Sibling In-Charge [Sunday Post #1 & Stacking The Shelves #9]

09 August 2015

*Sunday Post is a weekly meme created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer where we share news or showcase stuff happening on the blog or around the blogosphere. 

I've been meaning to participate in Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Sunday Post for quite some time now, but I keep forgetting to make a banner that would fit the kitty banners on my blog. Well, I did have some free time recently and was able to make this. Isn't it cute? My obsession with cats is unhealthy, I swear.

My little brother traveled back here in the Philippines last month for holidays and we've been out and about, spending time with each other because he's leaving again in a few days. Basically, this was the reason why I went MIA for a couple of weeks and had no urge to blog at all. We were always out and would come home fairly late, and I would be really tired to even get on the computer to do a little bit of blog work. However, the broski and I've decided to lay low for a while, and stay home. He's currently attending review classes in preparation for the SATs next January 2016, so I've been playing chauffer and I get to blog while he's at school.

I've come to conclude that it's hard being the "adult" in the house. Staying solo has been something I'm used to (even though I live next door to my grandmother and uncle), but with the widdo bwudder in the house, it's kinda exhausting. Waking up a little earlier than usual (which means sleeping earlier than usual), change in food and budgeting etc. The folks, meanwhile, are having fun being solo... and also constantly blowing up our phones with calls and texts.

I've also been playing around on Photoshop, trying to form a new header, but my creative juices are little dry so I might have to put it out for a while.

Also, I forced my little brother into reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, and when he finished, I pressured asked him to do short guest review for the blog, to which he says: "SO GOOD, 10/10 WILL READ AGAIN".



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For Review
*Covers link to Goodreads*




Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk
The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins


I've been hearing this remix over the radio for the past week, but the radio DJ's never really promote it! I had to google "Cheerleader Girl Remix" and behold, sweet Jamaican pop star Samantha J was the cute hip voice in the song! I can't get this song out of my head, no lie. 
Next week, I'm going to be working on reviews of books I read in the past month (most likely mini reviews, because I sure did read A LOT) and probably get ready for my blog's 1st year blogiversary! (Watch out, a giveaway might be in store for you!)

Have a great week y'all!

Comments (42)

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So glad you got to spend a bit of time with your brother! Please extend my gratitude for the short and succinct review of RPO. Lol! Enjoy your books this week, Blessie!
My recent post Hoarders, Books Edition: Episode 155
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
So goof you spent time with your brother! I can't wait to hear what you think of Where Sea Meets Sky since it has been sitting on my Kindle. Also yay for getting This is Where it Ends - It looks great. Have a wonderful week!
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
A Court of Thorns and Roses... YASS Sarah J Maas is just god. GODDD!!! I also purchased Aristotle and Dante over the past week. Did you see the number of awards on that thing? Holy damn it sounds so promising that I'm like 100% sure that I'm going to love it. I also notice that every single time I go on your site, I fall in love with the design all over again. YOUR BLOG IS SUPER CUTE, and GOSH I can't stop staring at it! <3

Alex @ The Book's Buzz
My recent post When People Don't Understand Passion
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
YAY YOU'VE JOINED!!! It's funny how I've picked this Sunday to get back into the Sunday Post on the very same day you are finally joining :D It''s a fun meme, I promise!
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
I am curious what you think of Karina Halle, I have been seeing more of her books around and been wanting to try her out!!
My recent post Book Review-A Pirates Wife For Me
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Love that you made your brother read (and review) a book, that is awesome!
And I love the banner, very cute! Congrats on the review books, I hope you enjoy them all.
My recent post Review: Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
You got some awesome books Blessie! I loved A Court of Thorns and Roses, I still need to read Aristotle and Dante, and I keep seeing This is Where is Ends everywhere lately, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. I hope you have a great week!
My recent post Event &amp; Giveaway: Deborah Harkness All Souls Trilogy Con
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Welcome to the Sunday Post- it's a great meme. I think Concentr8 looks interesting- I read the synopsis and that is a great idea. Curious about it...
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Oooh nice! LOOOOVED A Court of Thorns and Roses! It was the Sarah J. Maas book I've been waiting for! LOL! Heard good things about The Girl with all the Gifts too! Hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

Here's my STS

Have a GREAT day!

Old Follower :)
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
I love your banner, it is adorable!! Glad you got to spend time with your brother . Hope your week is amazing my friend!
My recent post Sunday Post #173- Valuable Lessons and a Warning
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Aw I love that you and your brother have been enjoying your time together, that is so sweet! I love his guest review too ;) I had no idea that The Girl With all the Gifts was so HUGE! My goodness. This is Where it Ends looks SO good- and I am intrigued by Concentr8 too!

And seriously, adulting is HARD :) Hope you enjoy the new books, and the time you have with your brother, and have a wonderful week!
My recent post Welcome to #ShatteringStigmas!
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Oh READY PLAYER ONE! I loved that book and it was also the book I gave to the hubby to get him into reading again as well. Aristotle and Dante is still one of the loveliest books I've ever had the pleasure of reading, and get ready for an explosion of panting and fanning yourself with ACOTAR too. It's hard being the adult isn't it. I don't have any 'official' children, but my husband is a man child, so I can relate. Have a fabulous week of reading Blessie! <3
My recent post Shadows by Paula Weston
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Yes, the banner is cute! My best friend and her daughter are obsessed with cats, so that doesn't faze me. ;) Aw, little brothers. I'm 7 years older than mine so I was definitely always looking after him. Haha love his review. Have a great week, hon, and enjoy your reading.
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
I understand how hard adulting is, I'm moving out in a few weeks and the thought of fending for myself is quite terrifying!
I also nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award, see details here:

Sinead @ Less Reality More Books
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your little brother. I'm currently on vacation with my sister too. I'm going to be sad when I have to head back! :(
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all these new goodies! :)
Happy reading!
My recent post Review : Playing for Her Heart by Megan Erickson
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
It sounds like you and your brother are having a blast! And it'a awesome he has an AWESOME sis to keep him company. CINDER. GIRL. I HAS NO WORDS. I HAS NONE. I'm so excited to read the next one (Scarlet?) It's so not funny! I'm going to head to Twitter now so we can gush about it together. Teehee
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
Concentrate looks super interesting! Happy reading.
1 reply · active 500 weeks ago
You are Filipino! Kabayan!!!
My recent post Liked It: Make You Burn by Megan Crane
2 replies · active 500 weeks ago
I can't wait to see your review of This is Where it Ends! I've been eyeballing it, but I'm kind of afraid to request it just in case. Plus I've been being more careful with what I request.
My recent post Movie Review: Insurgent
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
Nice to know that you got to spend some awesome time with your brother. I too was away from blogging coz I was busy with my friend who came back after a long time and would be going back soon.
Also, I have heard such great things about Ready Player One but I still haven't read it...I am not sure if I will like it as its so different from what I usually read.
My recent post Book Review: Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops by Jen Campbell
1 reply · active 499 weeks ago
You got some great books this week. I am especially excited about this is where it ends!

I hope you enjoy these pretties :) Happy Reading!

Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

Michelle @ Book Briefs
My recent post {Review+Giveaway} Outside the Ropes by @AshleyClaudy

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