I've been meaning to participate in Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Sunday Post for quite some time now, but I keep forgetting to make a banner that would fit the kitty banners on my blog. Well, I did have some free time recently and was able to make this. Isn't it cute? My obsession with cats is unhealthy, I swear.
My little brother traveled back here in the Philippines last month for holidays and we've been out and about, spending time with each other because he's leaving again in a few days. Basically, this was the reason why I went MIA for a couple of weeks and had no urge to blog at all. We were always out and would come home fairly late, and I would be really tired to even get on the computer to do a little bit of blog work. However, the broski and I've decided to lay low for a while, and stay home. He's currently attending review classes in preparation for the SATs next January 2016, so I've been playing chauffer and I get to blog while he's at school.
I've come to conclude that it's hard being the "adult" in the house. Staying solo has been something I'm used to (even though I live next door to my grandmother and uncle), but with the widdo bwudder in the house, it's kinda exhausting. Waking up a little earlier than usual (which means sleeping earlier than usual), change in food and budgeting etc. The folks, meanwhile, are having fun being solo... and also constantly blowing up our phones with calls and texts.
I've also been playing around on Photoshop, trying to form a new header, but my creative juices are little dry so I might have to put it out for a while.
Also, I forced my little brother into reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, and when he finished, I
- Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Buddy Read with Keionda of Keionda Hearts Books)
- Beautiful You by Chuck Palahniuk
- Where Sea Meets Sky by Karina Halle
- Choke by Chuck Palahniuk
- Chaos by Jamie Shaw (Review - 4 stars + Giveaway)
- Searching for Always by Jennifer Probst (Review - 4 stars)
- No Kissing Allowed by Melissa West (Review - 3.5 stars + Giveaway)
- Why I Had to DNF You (DNF Reviews - Rule Breaker by Harper Kincaid, Wicked White by Michelle A. Valentine, Falling Fast by Tina Wainscott)
- Chasing River by K.A. Tucker (Review - 4.5 stars)
- The Invisibles by Cecilia Galante (Book Tour + Excerpt & Giveaway)
- Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry (Review - 3.5 stars)
- Lick by Kylie Scott (Audiobook Review - 4 stars)
- Talina @ Sassy and Dangerous gives a good talk about the constant drama in the book blogging community.
- Nereyda @ Mostly YA Book Obsessed talks about "Ideas and Originality" - A must read!
- Keionda @ Keionda Hearts Books makes you drool while discussing "Swoonworthy Traits/Characters of Fictional Boyfriends".
- Stephanie @ These Paper Hearts gives a warning on "Why You Shouldn't Use Bloglovin's Follow by Email Widget"
- Book Riot's about to make our TBR list go gaga with " 127 YA Books Releasing Between July and September"
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